Cycle Training For Individuals Or Groups In Greenwich London
Eager Cycle Coaching has successfully piloted a new model of school-based cycle training that achieves better outcomes than the training widely delivered across London. This new training model includes:
A 'resident' cycling instructor being based at the participating school for a designated period.
Progressive training courses: 'Combined' off-road and on-road training courses, and 'Improver' courses for those not yet ready for on-road training.
Suitably-sized groups for on-road training: Smaller groups allow for more progressive and realistic on-road training, and help ensure training is as inclusive as possible.
Training of school staff to help facilitate the training and act as "cycling champions", leaving a lasting legacy for the participating school.
Creation of 'bike buses' whereby riders are supported to cycle to and from school in groups, sometimes with the support of trained volunteers.
Coaching delivered by skilled cycling instructors, who have up to date qualifications, training and DBS clearance.